Friday, 26 February 2010

Viagra Fallzzz...

Ooof, I'd like to sail down these.

I still love a cock-or-two...

Phew.  All that vag was making a girl dry up, so here are the real money shots. These two are done with acyrlic & my new best friend Krink.  Got some banging black, deep-set frames for em too.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

I'm deffo ont blog now.

Many of you will be familiar with my 'Crotch Shots' work, be it around town, on the internet, or in a toilet cubicle near you.  This is the most recent one I did, AND is the only painted survivor left from the infamous Facebook sale. Get it while it's's framed & everything.

Kiss My Teef...

Snapped this circular frame up from Wilkinsons the other day. Bargain. It seemed pretty obv to put a toof on it. It's done with acyrlic & sharpie.
Hope you like it Lozza!

This makes my heart pump...

First things first...

My tribute to The Tinsley Towers 'Rest In Pieces' has finally sold (and it's about fuckin time if you ask me!).  Thanks to The Old Sweet Shop for hooking me up!

If you bum Sheffield like I do then watch this space coz i'll be producing loads more pieces to show my love for these Steel City landmarkzzz.