Monday 29 March 2010

I'll have a pint of Stockroom please mate.

So, The Stockroom have decided to start brewing their own beer, & I've taken it upon myself to design the logo for it.  It's a work in progress to here's what I got so far...

I did colour the background in black, but I'm having second thoughts now.  Stay tuned.

Monday 22 March 2010

The daily doodle...

Todays doodle has been inspired by obesity...
It's a serious matter kidzzz.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Couldn't do this in the "real world"

I make these badges alot for the fans/followers/friends of ASBO a GOGO...

My little hands carefully crafted all of these, so if you've got one then you're privaleged (or a fucking fruit loop that we wanted to capture wearing one).  Either way I want to document your individual personalities on camera, like so...

This amazing woman came & befriended me on a bench in Meadowhall.  I believe she started the conversation off something like this "Ey up cocka, av you bought owt nice today?...Althought I don't know how you find owt big enough to fit your tits" 
She made me take the photo 3 times before she was happy (ish) with the finished result.  I'm happy with all of them.

If this tickled your taste buds then check out more here -

Just you wait for our limited edition pistachio range!  OOOOOOF!

Saturday 13 March 2010

Lemon & lime time!

You know that face you pull when you've just sucked on abit of lemon?  Well, there's nothing I like more than making people do it for my own amusement.  A hobby if you will. 
I decided to start taking photos of this magical act, and make a series of works that can continue to tickle me for years to come. This is a small selection, check em out...

...and yes, I make babies do it too...

Friday 12 March 2010

Oldies but goodies (part two)


I've Got Mad Layers YO!

I Didn't Mean It, Honest.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Instant Death...

I'm proper gutted about Poloroid and their decision to stop making their 600 instant film. How do I take rudey shots now?!
Anyway, this is for those precious memories that'll never be captured the same again...unless they start making more film.

This piece is my new edition to The Old Sweet Shop, and of course it's for sale.  If you're interested then go & have a butchers.  If you're not, then go & have a butchers coz there's loads more work in there by other local artists for you to feast your eyes on.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Oldies but goodies (part one)

I'm trying to sort my life out at the moment.  This means wading through many, MANY boxes of old flyers, photographs, & sketchy sketches.  This is a small selection of stuff that caught my eye...


'Mr. Frank Traffic Light Man'

Logo for Riff Raff club night.

Monday 1 March 2010

I'll have a double cheese burger with extra meat please.

I dunno what it is, but I just can't seem to stop drawing food at the moment...must be this all new Strongbow diet I'm on.

Stephen Fry said that back in the day Asparagus was nicknamed 'housemaids despair' coz it used to make everyones piss stink, therefore be a bugger to clean up.  This is my tribute to that...